Friday, January 23, 2015


Figure 1.  Chart of Haiti Climate from:


I have attached figure 1. reflecting an example of the climate in Haiti, per the CIA Haiti has a tropical climate and as the altitude changes so does the temperature some which is affected by the mountain blocking the trade winds making it hotter. Due to its location Haiti has a hot and humid tropical climate.


Figure 2. Haiti climate change

Figure 3.  Reflecting Haiti climate change 


Just like any island living Haiti doe snot have extreme season. It can be broken into two season Summer and Rain . The picture bellows shows why Haiti is known for being hot and hum . It by the ocean but also vast land mass that retain heat. 

Figure 4. Overview, of Haiti 


Aloha , 

I have attached two maps that will help identify the country of Haiti.  The country of Haiti is located Central America and the Caribbean. Haiti  is the neighboring country of the Dominican Republic . It is surrounded by the Caribbean sea and the country of Jamaica and Cuba. The CIA has stated that "Haiti is the size of Maryland , which is measure as 27,750 km. Haiti is surrounded by the Caribbean sea and mountains.

Figure 1.  Map of Haiti from

Figure 2. Map of Haiti and Mountain ranges from 

a) Location-- Where is the country located in the world with respect to continents, oceans, other countries?

 The country of Haiti is located Central America and the Caribbean. Haiti  is the neighboring country of the Dominican Republic . It is surrounded by the Caribbean sea and the country of Jamaica and Cuba.  

b) Size--How large is the country?  (Compare to the US by giving a percent of Continental US area, which is 8,080,464 km2.  You can find that out be dividing and moving your decimal place over twice.)

The CIA has stated that "Haiti is the size of Maryland , which is measure as 27,750 km.  

c) Terrain-- What types of physical geography make up the country?  Are there any noteworthy rivers, lakes, or seas? 

Haiti is surrounded by the Caribbean sea and mountains. 

About Me

Aloha classmates,

My name is Gabriela H. Santillan,
 I am pursing a career in Computer
Engeenering. I am originally from 
California, but have lived in Hawaii for 
5 years.  I am writing this blog to further
my knowledge in atmospheric science.
I will be monitored the weather in Haiti over the period
of my Met 101 course.  Haiti, is lcoated in carribeans sea and
is known for it's poverty. 
Mangos and I